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Brew-Bloc 3

Our Brew-Bloc 3 is perfectly suited to the current UK indepednent brewing scene. With a brewing time of 7.5 hours, and a cycle time as low as 3.5 hours (requires separate MCV and Lauter tun) you can achieve three brews over 15 hours. That means no 24 hour shifts, drastically increasing production and cost efficient compared to typical brewhouse designs.

Should you need it, the Brew-Bloc 3 is also capable of five or six brews for day, depending on configuration. We’ve designed the Brew-Bloc with flexibility in mind, allowing each brewery to meet their unique requirements using the same uncompromising vessel construction and design as our other Brew-Bloc products.

You can tailor the layout too, with a linear design, triangular formation, L shape, horseshoe, or any whatever configuration fits your space. We design everything with aesthetics in mind, mixing form with function. And all our brewhouses arrive tried and tested. The Brew-Bloc’s solid frame construction is designed for fast installation without compromising on quality.

The Brew-Bloc 3 can provide for multiple configurations, including:

Mash Conversion Vessel (MCV) + Lauter tun + Combined Kettle Whirlpool (KWP)

This option allows for exceptionally efficient brewing production cycle times, as the MCV can be re-used after the Lauter tun as a wort pre-heating vessel. That means two brews on the plant simultaneously, one in the KWP and one in the MCV ready for transfer.

The MCV also allows for full stepped infusion mashing, and the Lauter tun ensures optimum malt extract efficiencies guaranteed above 93%, and commonly above 96%.

It’s simple and cost effective to add a whirlpool later on, upgrading the system to a Brew-Bloc 4 as part of phase two investment.

Combined Mash or Lauter tun + Kettle + Whirlpool

Designed for modern brewing, this system uses a separate kettle and whirlpool to ensure maximum hop extract efficiency. As with all our systems, external wort boilers are the standard heating option, with an internal calandra and smash plate to ensure all volatiles are extracted and removed as quickly as possible.

The separate whirlpool means no compromises on the trub cone formation, helping to minimise losses and trub carry over to heat exchange or fermenter. As with all our whirlpools, the base has a 3 degree convex design to keep cone formation compact and tight.

The result is higher hopping loads, and the ability to recirculate through the heat exchanger and back to the kettle before chilling the wort and re-casting back to the whirlpool for late addition whirlpool hopping. All in the aid of keeping aroma loss to a minimum.

Un-diluted total sales volume PA (HL) 11160 22320 33480 44640
Cold-wort single batch production volume (HL) 10 20 30 40
Brews per day (cycles) 6 6 6 6
Production days per year 200 200 200 200
Total cold wort production volume (HL) 12000 24000 36000 48000
Production losses total (%) 7 7 7 7
Assumed primary fermentation period (Days) 5 5 5 5
Assumed maturation period (Days) 9 9 9 9
Total fermentation capacity (HL) 400 600 1000 1200
Typical number of employees 1 1 3 4
Typical 'working day' (Hr's) *assumes option 1 11 15 21 24
Water system requirement minimum (HL) 50 75 75 75
Cycle time (Hr's) *assumes option 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Total grist loading 500 500 500 500
Expected first worts (DegP) 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
Expected hopping rates T90's (kg's) *Assumes option 2 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Expected hopping rates T45's (kg's) *Assumes option 2 8 8 8 8

Annual production volumes achievable with the brew-bloc 3 when batch length is

Un-diluted total sales volume PA (HL) 9300 13950 23250 27900
Cold-wort single batch production volume (HL) 25 25 25 25
Brews per day (cycles) 2 3 5 6
Production days per year 200 200 200 200
Total cold wort production volume (HL) 10000 15000 25000 30000
Production losses total (%) 7 7 7 7
Assumed primary fermentation period (Days) 5 5 5 5
Assumed maturation period (Days) 9 9 9 9
Total fermentation capacity (HL) 400 600 1000 1200
Typical number of employees 1 3 4 4
Typical 'working day' (Hr's) *assumes option 1 11 15 21 24
Water system requirement minimum (HL) 50 75 75 75
Cycle time (Hr's) *assumes option 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Total grist loading 500 500 500 500
Expected first worts (DegP) 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
Expected hopping rates T90's (kg's) *Assumes option 2 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Expected hopping rates T45's (kg's) *Assumes option 2 8 8 8 8

This table shows how annual production volumes can be increased as the additional resources required to reach those volume increases. Please note: This assumes a 25HL brew length plant in three vessel configuration. Figures can be multiplied out for larger brew lengths. Please ask our sales representative to provide you with a customised chart

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